AI Virtual Personal Assistant Based on Human Presence
Virtual assistant, Raspberry Pi4, speech recognition, Artificial IntelligenceAbstract
This paper proposes an Artificial Intelligence (AI) virtual personal assistant based on human presence. A proposed Virtual Assistant is developed on Raspberry Pi4 using the Speech Recognition method (Speech-to-text and Text-to-Speech). The result shows that a proposed personal assistant allows a user to ask questions, in the same way they would to a human and can even perform simple tasks such as opening apps, reading news, and taking notes with a voice command. Even when no one is around, the artificial intelligence virtual assistant will continue to listen for commands. The system will start gathering data and transmitting it to the cloud when it is designed to listen to commands continuously. So, if someone gets into the system, they may gain access and divulge sensitive information. The suggested system includes a motion sensor that may detect human presence and activate an Artificial Intelligence virtual assistant system before turning off the system after a certain amount of time if no human presence is detected. This prevents the system from being on constantly and increases security. The system can perform several tasks, like playing music, opening websites, sending emails and messages, restarting the computer, and more.